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Sunday, April 05, 2020

While He May Be Found

Isaiah 55: 6-7
"Seek the Lord while He may be found; call on Him while He is near"

It's Palm Sunday! My favorite day of the year. I am mourning because this day looks far different than it did in all previous years. I want to wave palm branches with the whole congregation and shout our communal hosannas. But for whatever reason, God has chosen to set 2020 apart.
I realize there are various dreadful outcomes due to the Covid19 pandemic. I am not here to diminish those. However, I want to personally confess that this pandemic has given me an opportunity to do exactly what my heart desires. I have always know that God has called me to be a modern day Levite in His house of worship. I wasn't able to fulfill that desire because of daily stresses and obligations. Now I have 24/7 access to prayer, worship, Biblical teachings, and live streams of church services.
I am seeking God because He has given me the unprecedented opportunity to seek Him. Thanks to all this heavenly discourse, I am finding joy during this frightening and confusing time. Do I still wrestle with anxiety and worry? I do. However, it is far less active now that I can run to the throne of God without hindrance.
I can't stop my mind; it wants to construe why this outbreak is happening. Might God be warning humanity that coming to church ONLY on holidays is no longer adequate? Perhaps livestream services are less threatening to people who struggle with social anxiety. These thoughts are not fully formed, and I admit I don't understand why this holy week feels deprived. Nevertheless, I know my soul feels satisfied despite circumstances. I feel secure, safe, and comforted. I am walking in my calling! I have the time and opportunity to seek God while He may be found. I won't take it for granted.

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