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Wednesday, February 05, 2020

Moral Superiority

This blog post has been following me throughout January. I knew I wanted to share it, but I didn't want to be careless about it. I wanted to give it honest consideration. I am still wrestling with the subject matter, but I feel like it is time to share my process with my blogging community.
For the past several years, I have feared being judgmental towards others. Due to this fear, I stopped sharing my true convictions. I also gave allowances to others who I believed were living sinful and destructive lifestyles. I accepted that I couldn't know their hearts, so I had no right to correct them. During this process, I learned about God's unrelenting mercy and His heart toward all His children. I am very thankful that God brought me to the end of myself. I spent most of my younger years unknowingly wrongly condemning the behaviors of others. I didn't represent God well. I have since then repented of those behaviors and mindsets. I am far more moderate and slow to speak and quick to listen.
Through this journey, I started asking God about His concept of morality, justice, and righteousness. My heart still had solid convictions and a firm grasp of the truth, but I didn't know what to do with those ideals. Out of fear, I bottled them. Sometimes I even distorted them to appease those around me. I didn't share my whole heart because I feared my standards would make others feel inferior or judged. As I prayed to God, He started revealing His heart about these matters.
God did not create morality so that certain people could be superior. He didn't create morality so humanity could parade their righteous before men. He created morality to protect people from pain and brokenness. Sin is destructive. It ruins lives. A wrong view of the world creates conflict and darkness. God created a standard of righteousness to protect the purity of His creation. He loves those who He loves; therefore, He created a moral law to protect them.
Obviously, God's righteousness is above all human's attempts toward righteousness! This is basic gospel. I am not claiming that we must follow God's law to earn anything from Him. I am only suggesting that by living a moral life, you become more aware of God's heart. When I seek His righteousness, I blossom. My pure desire is not to elevate my holiness above another just to look impressive. I live within the restraints of God's law to protect those around me. My heart motive can't be tainted with self righteousness only for the sake of being right. I must preach the truth so that my friends can be saved from pain and destruction. 
This came to a head when I was watching the Super Bowl halftime show. I didn't know the correct response. Well that is not entirely true. I knew that the show was a blatant expression of sexual immorality. I knew this in my heart of hearts, but I found myself unsure of my outward response. Should I remain silent? Should I repent for my nation behind closed doors? Should I bring my feelings into the light and expose the darkness? I chose to speak out against it. For me, there was enough evidence that this display was destructive to women and society. I wasn't shy about my opinion. Suddenly, it felt right to speak up. I was afraid, but after I spoke up, I felt a peace. So this is what God means in scripture: "do justice, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God."
To do justice, you must also understand humility and mercy. The three are interconnected. I felt God's mercy toward JLo and Shakira. I was humbled as God revealed my own personal sin and how it contributes to the objectification of women. I'll be the first to repent. I was in show choir for four years, and without even knowing it, I was using my body to flirt with the audiences. I was encouraged to dance seductively and wear revealing clothing. I was too young to realize this was happening. I can understand why the Super Bowl audience was enthralled by the performance even though it was immoral. Despite my own sin and weakness, I still had the authority to speak against it. God gave me the discernment and directed me to speak boldly.
So I wrote this blog mainly to celebrate this revival in my heart for righteousness. I want to be a holy ambassador for my Savior. I want to correctly discern the present time. I feel more free to express my actual heart and not disguise it. I would also encourage my readers to take their own hearts to the Lord. Are you the one who is always speaking? Perhaps you need to humble yourself and listen more. Are you hiding because you want to please men? Perhaps, you can take small steps toward the Esther boldness who trapped her enemy by speaking at the appropriate time. Discernment is an essential skill in our present environment. I would suggest you find yourself alone with God, so He can speak to you about how you need to handle your own heart. For me, I might appear a little more bold and fierce than in previous years.

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