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Saturday, November 03, 2018

Still Speaking

I know I haven't posted in awhile. It isn't because God has been silent. It isn't because my life is uneventful. Quite the opposite. However, my walk has become more inward and hidden. I don't feel any urgent need to express everything that enlivens my soul. Instead I welcome God's movements with a gentle acceptance. He is glorious to me. He satisfies me. He renders me happily silent.
I however will speak about one spiritual groaning, which appears to be increasing. I want unity in the church. I want a safe community. I want to chase God together. I want to avoid toxic people who claim to be righteous, but with their actions and words prove to be agents of sorrow and death.  I am embracing a new community that shows unconditional love and consistent humility. I am walking away from pain and heaviness to embrace joy and acceptance.
I found a community! God gave me a place to belong. I wish I could make you all know how joyful I have become. I wish I could let you know that shame has no hold on me! I wish you could see how far God has brought me. I wish I could make you all know Him. The lover of my soul. The constant companion! Redeemer of all things lost. Church chase Him together. He is holy and worthy of praise. The One found worthy! Seek redemption and unity. He will give you the desires of your hearts!

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