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Tuesday, December 13, 2016


They say it isn't over till the fat lady sings, so I suppose this blog post is slightly premature. However, I have so much celebration in my body, I need to express it! I have one more final and one more paper until my fall semester is completed! I survived another crazy semester without a breakdown. I was cast in two plays, took 13 credit hours, and worked part-time. I'm brave! I faced another scary endeavor and crushed it! I am thankful for the Taylor community and my father for nursing me through the bumps and bruises.
I am learning about God's faithfulness and His commitment to restoration. Everything the enemy has stolen, God has recovered. He keeps His promises and fights my battles. He is transforming me into a beautiful bride, fiery and strong. I am humbled by His nature and grateful for His kindness.
Mountains may appear insurmountable. Rising waters may threaten you. However, God is your protector and rearguard. Nothing is impossible for Him. He is able to accomplish His will through weak, fallen vessels.
Time to joyfully worship and celebrate!

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