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Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Consummation: Not a Private Matter

Disclaimer: This blog post deals with sexuality. Use your own discretion.
I joined a Facebook conversation that dealt with sexuality. The initial status read:  Question: What do you think of the word ‘sexy’? Is it good or bad?

It caused plenty of chatter. Some said the word was profane. Some said it depended on the context. Some said “sexy” is found everywhere in scripture.

I am more liberal than most of my Christian comrades. I don’t think sex is a private matter. Scripture is full of sexual material. We read that our Father Abraham slept with Hagar. We read that Adam and Eve were naked in paradise. We read that David slept with Bathsheba. We read that Solomon wanted to take “hold of those choice fruits” (Song of Solomon 4:16). Even Proverbs, which speaks highly of discretion, writes:

“Rejoice in the wife of thy youth. As a loving hind and a pleasant doe, let her breasts satisfy thee at all times; and be thou ravished always with her love (Proverbs 5:18-19).

The Old Testament revolves around sex because the Hebrew tradition is steeped in family and bearing children. One Jewish tradition made the best man witness the first sexual act after the marriage ceremony. The best man would then tell everyone that the marriage was consummated. Everyone would rejoice. The marriage bed was undefiled and people celebrated it!

Now we live in a culture that has distorted sexuality. Therefore, most Christians glow red if sexuality is talked about in public. I think this is a tragedy. Sex isn’t evil. Sex is a gift. It is a power expression of commitment, love, and connectivity.

God made sure that sexuality even had a miraculous witness. If you find a woman who is pregnant, you know that sexual intercourse has taken place. God isn’t ashamed of sex. He makes it obvious to everyone: you have a baby- you had sex. If God isn't ashamed, then we shouldn't be either.

I share this on a public forum because I want the church to reclaim sexuality. Instead of stifling the conversations and avoiding the movies, we need to speak about the beauty of sex within a marriage relationship. We need to preach that God gave pleasure and blesses the union of man and woman. There is no reason to be ashamed of the sacred.

1 comment:

Hennyfair said...

Have you ever heard of Kris Vallotton's book "Purity: The New Moral Revolution"? I'll be honest, I never finished the entire thing but what I read was quite good and your post reminded me of it. He spoke at our church about a year ago and this is one of the topics he broached. Such a different perspective on sex than is usually discussed in Christian circles. If you get a chance you should read it!