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Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Jordan Peterson

I had the honor and privilege of seeing Jordan Peterson for his We Who Wrestle With God Tour. I had heard him speak online about finding an adventure, so that your life will have meaning. I bravely drove to Indy by myself for the event, which required a certain level of bravery. (Not a fan of unfamiliar surroundings.)

Expecting to hear about his upcoming book, I was slightly disappointed. He spoke about things that I had heard in previous lectures online. Despite my disappointment, I wasn’t dissatisfied. I wanted to see him in person. To occupy the same space. Not through a screen.

When I consider his worldview, I fantasize about him being my therapist. I just trust him more than the clinicians I have met in my life. I feel like I could ask him hard questions and he would be able and cautious to give the right answer.

I’m looking forward to his upcoming book. In the waiting, I’m leaning on Christ. Like Solomon, I’m asking for wisdom. Like many in the scripture, I’m asking for healing. I know I must not idolize Jordan. He is one man with a vast influence who probably doesn’t even know I exist. I must trust myself to a higher good. A Good who protects me and sees me as a beloved daughter.

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