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Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Anne of Green Gables

    I got to be Rachel Lynde in the play, Anne of Green Gables. When I first heard my local theatre was doing Anne of Green Gables, I thought maybe I should just help with stage management. I love stage management, and my last acting job was a little difficult. I loved the role, but I made a couple mistakes during performances. I spaced my lines and flubbed a few. I overcorrected by thinking I should never act again. Thankfully, I listened to my director who encouraged me to audition again. I love the message of Anne of Green Gables, and I loved this journey.

    One of the main lessons I learned centered around gossip. I have always been sensitive to gossip. I have engaged in gossip myself, but I never feel right when I do. Therefore, I just don't like to engage in talking about someone who isn't there.

    The character, Rachel Lynde, is certainly a gossip and a nosy neighbor. I appreciate that those who came said I am nothing like Rachel Lynde. They appreciated my acting because Rachel garnered plenty of laughter. It was fun to hear the laughter, but I was also thankful that they laughed because they realized the farcical nature of gossip.

    Additionally, I also learned to face some fears. When I was behind the stage, I dealt with some real stage fright. I certainly thought it would be a disaster. I would flub a line. However, once I got on stage, the fear dissipated. The fear felt real at the time, but I overcame that fear. I loved the character, and I did everything I could to bring her to life.

    Finally, God truly confirmed my calling to community theatre. I love working with the students and teaching them to love theatre as well. I made some lovely new friends too. Each cast is a new family. My next adventure is co-directing 40 teens. We don't have a large theatre, so we will be packed in there like sardines. LOL! Through theatre, God has taught me to face challenges.

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