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Sunday, October 15, 2023

Why Israel? Why the Jews?

I grew up with Bible stories, so my faith and religion gave me some context for Jewish history and culture. However, I don't think my church upbringing can be blamed for my personal obsession with Jewish culture and heritage. If anything, the catechism at my church emphasized that there is no distinction between Jews and Gentiles since we are all one in Christ. Which, I must state, is an accurate interpretation of both the teaching of Christ and the Epistles. However, I can't deny that I elevate the Jewish people.
Intellectually, I understand they are just people like everyone else. However, my spirit and emotions do not submit to this intellectual knowledge. When someone reveals that they have Jewish heritage, my heart races. I instantly get giddy while at the same time experience a deep reverence. If I am in the presence of a person who is a descendent of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, I am NOT going to remain calm and pretend I'm not overwhelmed.
I don't really remember where or when this fascination materialized. I feel like it was a slow progression of interest that quickly grew into a full blown infatuation. I remember learning about the Holocaust, which led me down a path of watching documentaries. The Jews' resilience during that horrible period of time shocked me. Learning about the Holocaust led me to research more about the Jews and their religious practices. Later, I started watching foreign films from the Middle East. There is much to investigate: their ceremonial dress, dietary laws, holidays, their own calendar, and well...the rabbit hole never ends. I wish I could describe the inner glory I feel when I am in the presence of someone from Jewish decent. Yes, I understand how weird that sounds. I must emphasize that it is an honest and involuntary reaction. 
I must mention that I also met some Palestinian believers when I was studying at Taylor University. I actually felt a similar feeling. Knowing that they actually lived in the Holy Land was enough for me to be mesmerized by them. That entire region and history pulls at my heart strings. There is much to say about the current crisis in the Holy Land, but this blog post won't enter into that conversation. 
I recently found a YouTube channel with a man who talked about the history of the land and went on tours around the city. Due to my mental health, traveling to Israel isn't something I can do. I felt like God whispered to me, "You can't go there physically now, but I will reveal her beauty to you." As this YouTuber traveled the streets of Israel, it felt like Jesus was taking my hand and leading me through His hometown. I can't even express how glorious it felt. He knew I couldn't travel there, but He made a way for me to experience it. He's romantic!
Loving the Jewish culture and the Jewish people is now engrained inside me. I don't really understand it myself. It is a spiritual matter that I haven't been able to discern in its fullness. Why do I love the Jews so much?? Probably more than I should. Well, I know the source is Jesus. He is a Jewish man after all.  I do love Him, so perhaps my obsession with His people is both rational and acceptable.

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