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Sunday, February 19, 2023

Describing an Outpouring

I want this blog to be concise and well written, but it won't be. I'll ramble. I have too much to say, and my intellect will fail to explain what just happened. I don't know if you are aware, but God is breaking out. I'm sure a portion of you have heard about the Asbury outpouring. Yes, I am referring to that outbreak. However, I am also not limiting the move to that time and place. God has secretly been placing a hunger for an outpouring in His bride for a long while. Sometimes that outpouring came in hiddenness. Sometimes it came in a massive gathering. I've always known God was on the move, but I feel people outside the church and inside the church are starting to recognize it more. They are being drawn away from their screens, hungry for a true expression of Christianity. Hungry for community.

I knew with everything going on in my life, specifically my increase need for the body of Christ, I had to go to church tonight. I've been struggling to find a church for awhile now. God was calling me to a church called Kingdom Life, but I knew this wasn't an easy calling. I fought it for awhile. I knew God was going to move in their congregation. However, I also knew I would have to face some hardships that needed healing. They are currently teaching about worship. I faced pain during the sermon. Hurts from other congregations. Past experiences where my worship was extinguished. I knew God was going to renew my freedom in worship in the midst of that heartache. I don't expect you, the reader, to understand all that. It's all very personal. All that to say, I now feel like I need to commit to going to this church on a more regular basis. Even call Kingdom Life my home church.

Tonight as I was driving to Kingdom Life, I knew God was about to move. It was more than a hope. It was time. It was time for God to celebrate with His people in a new and special way.  He did just as I hoped. After a good basic teaching on worship, then some powerful baptisms, the room erupted in dancing, singing, embracing, laughing, and heartful joy. I just sat back, maybe rocking a little bit, and watched the Lord move like I have asked Him to move. I felt like I was at a wedding ceremony. So much joy and freedom!

Certainly, God spoke to me on intimate levels, but He also revealed the beauty of the body of Christ surrounding me. My focus was outward and upward. I felt connected to everyone in the room even the strangers. These believers were obviously so ready to throw off their shackles and praise God in freedom. I also celebrated with the leadership, those who have toiled in prayer for those under their influence. They didn't feel the need to reign people into subserviently robots. They wanted them to encounter God and be forever changed by Him!

The congregation reverently sang Defender during the baptisms. (Sang by Steffany Gretzinger in the video above.) It brought such healing to my heart because I know how much society can mock and try to quench unadulterated worship. God is our defender when we worship. Those who were baptized where welcomed into a community that would defend them and their worship.

I know there are some naysayers concerning this move. I'm not surprised, but even more than that, I don't care. It doesn't even matter anymore. If people want to be critics, let them. There are conflicting voices out there, and I am really only concerned about One voice.

I am so grateful to Asbury for their commitment to praise and their commitment to love one another. It can spread. I have experience, so I am fully aware that it takes effort and servanthood to carry the presence of God. It won't be sustainable if you just live off hype, and the community isn't prepared. I just do NOT believe that is the case with Asbury. Worship and praise is not just singing, although that is a very integral part. It is also loving on each other, building a community that takes the love of God outside the four walls, and serving people in the overflow! The lingering is essential too. Stay until the Spirit leads you elsewhere. The Gospel is FULL of stories of people gathering in crowds that were hard to control and manage. That is what God does. The church has a rich history of creating spaces that can sustain a move of God because God has taught them a better way!

Sorry! I know I'm rambling. I might not even be making sense. I can't really share this experience without a face to face encounter with you. I can't really explain what happened, if you weren't there. I am not expecting anything specific in this move. I know God can do whatever He wants. I won't decide what it should or should not look like. However, He gave me a promise tonight or rather reminded me of a promise. No one can take my worship. Nothing can. It's my holy and unquenchable weapon.

My blog title is "Describing an Outpouring". So many voices are trying to describe what is happening. There are many voices who have found wisdom by saying that you can't really describe it. It has to be experienced. God is a personal God who wants to meet you now! Right where you are presently.

If you are interested in Kingdom Life, you can go to this website:

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