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Sunday, August 15, 2021

Fear His Goodness

Hosea 3:5 states that there will be a time when His people will fear God's goodness. I find this is a present reality for me. Walking in the fear of the Lord is a promised blessing for His people. Trembling before His wrath isn't the only message. Trembling before His goodness is also His desire. 

I have recently been attending church again. I took some time off because I had trauma I had to face. I was too broken to be vulnerable in a church community. I longed for the fellowship, but was simply too weak to encounter God's goodness in a communal setting. As my wounds heals, I can welcome the holy trembling again. The trembling isn't easy. The accuser often wrestles with me during the worship service and the sermon. It is difficult for me to distinguish the spirits (1 Corinthians 12:10). I hope the Lord will bring more people into my life who can take the double-edge sword and divide spirit and soul.

All this to say, returning to church is a battleground for me. There is an onslaught of negative thoughts, hurtful memories, and past regrets. However, within this turmoil, I know the peace of God rests in my heart. I affirm my devotion to Him.  I am His, and I am thankful that I can fear His goodness. I am thankful that He overwhelms me and calls me closer. I am thankful His Spirit goes before and behind me. Lord, keep me on a straight and narrow path for Your glory. Let me witness Your glory, so that I might fear Your goodness and remain with my Redeemer.

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