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Wednesday, September 06, 2017


I'm seeing glimpses of sanity. I notice it when others point it out. I know I am getting better when others realize I'm getting better. I can't always gauge my own temperament. Right now, I am leaning on others. I want to be strong and make my own decisions, but because of my health, I am giving up that right. I really appreciate women who come alongside me and help me fight the battles. There is a darkness to doubt and uncertainty, but there is also light with community and presence. I find my solace in theatre. It is the one place where I see the creativity of God and understand the exposed soul. I still need to organize my thoughts. This blog is by no means a reflection of my writing capacity. It is more of a stream of consciousness blog now. Hopefully, by practicing while I am still sick will lead me to more clear thoughts. Then the blog can return to its original purpose: glorifying God.

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