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Saturday, August 05, 2017

Stealing the Flag: A Tainted Rainbow

I would like to speak about the choice of the LGTB's community to use a rainbow for their flag. I watch people in the LGTB community through the media. Granted I don't know many personally. I can honestly say I don't have anyone from the LGTB community that I spend time with on a regular basis. (I wonder if they can even stand me.)

My Facebook feed is not absent of their campaign. Movies, shows, commercials, and various other forms of art prove the LGTB topic is trending. Money and accolades follow those who wave the rainbow flag. I have also campaigned for their freedom. I believe they should have the same rights and privilege that every American desires. Nevertheless, I do believe some activists may have taken a step too far...

...using a rainbow to promote their cause. As a Christian, I understand that a rainbow is a sacred symbol in historical Judaism. It was given when God repented of His deeds toward His creation. He set a bow in the skies to assure the world that He would never flood the world again. I believe His promise is true...even when I consider the great tsunami, flooding, and Katrina. God may still cause epic destruction, but He promises never to destroy the whole earth by water again.

Now every time I see a rainbow, I have a hidden fear. Before it brought me such comfort and assurance. Now every time I see a rainbow, I automatically think of the LGTB community. God is no longer first. It is a misfire in my brain. I feel like my innocence has been taken. My hope shaken.

The rainbow is an effective symbol. I believe it is one of the reasons the LGTB community made such swift progress. The whole world is spiritually inclined to love rainbows. I don't want to accuse the LGTB activists of being manipulators, but it is surly a gimmick that paid off.

As an asexual myself, it is disheartening that I can't see my initial vision as clearly. I will continue to pray for mercy even when I feel robbed. I pray the Lord heals my mind, so when I see a rainbow, I am reminded of His great compassion towards Noah and his family.

For more information as to why the LGTB uses this symbol, follow this link:

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