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Thursday, July 07, 2016

Recoverying What Is Lost

My weight is forcing me into a depression. I use prayer time, asking God to rescue me. I know the majority of women wrestle with body image. I am certainly one of those women. Today I weight more than I have ever weighed. It’s frustrating to know that my current medication increases weight. I try to use that as an excuse, but there is no excuse. 
I am a fierce person. I cherish the warrior spirit. When I was younger, my entire life was a competition. I beat the boys at the track. I recently had a childhood friend admit that he was intimidated by me. That warrior spirit is still inside me. It resurfaces when I exercise. I remember adrenaline is addicting.
More than anything my struggle is about identity. I’m not overly obsessed with looking attractive. I am obsessed with physically reflecting my inner fierceness. I am a passionate person with strong roots. My physical fitness is a reflection of my commitment to the Lord. I can’t be a lethargic, pleasure-seeking, instant gratification follower. I need to be disciplined and fit.
God is my personal training, constantly reminding me that it is possible to lose 50 pounds (my goal). I found it disheartening when I returned to an exercise regimen and was winded 10 minutes into the 45 minute exercise. It isn’t always the difficulty of the exercise that stops you; it’s the embarrassment of looking like an active marshmallow.
Despite my battle, God has given me a vision of my future self: healthy and fit. I did it once before. I weighed 160 and got down to 125.
Currently, my exercise is motivated by Amanda Cook’s song “You Make Me Brave.” It’s amazing how I can run harder and longer if that song plays in the background. It reminds me that I am a warrior who must be prepared for war.
When Joshua was told to be brave and courageous, not to fear, there was a real battle ahead of him. As I watch the news, I realize we have a similar battle to fight. The insjustice is more active than in former years. People are turning to murder and terrorism. As an American, I don't want to fit a negative stereotype: lazy and unaware.
God promises to look past my current weakness to form me into the warrioir bride He desires and needs.

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