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Saturday, June 20, 2015

Greatest Fear

There is a great line in Batman Begins:

"Why bats, Master Wayne?"
"Bats frighten me. It's time my enemies shared my dread."

I have irrational fears. I am afraid of driving over train tracks. My hands grip the steering wheel too hard, leaving red palms. I fear heights as well. The guard rail can be made of steel and up to my chin, I am still terrified. Money scares me too; I fear I won't have enough. These irrational fears get my adrenaline pumping, but I can live with them.
My illness is in another category: it's a rational fear. My illness amps up my paranoia, so the fear is crippling. When my health deteriorates, I become another person, susceptible to anything. I often feel powerless against its torment. Nevertheless, I am fighting back. It could be easy to set up residence in my little pit, blaming everything on my illness. Instead, like Bruce Wayne, I plan to use my greatest fear to strike dread into my enemies. I survived dark days, full of evil and disillusionment. Instead of ignoring the ugly past, I plan to confront my fear. I will use it to propel me forward. I am not powerless against this darkness.
I will prove to everyone that I have lots of fight left in me.

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