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Sunday, August 10, 2014

Supernatural Toy

My mentor asked me to house sit for her while her family was on vacation. Since I would be at her house for over a week, I packed for the entire week. This meant that my teddy bear, Zephaniah, came with me. The family arrived home a week later. I was about to exit the front door when the eldest daughter asked about the sparkly bear in her bedroom.

“Oh that’s mine. Sorry I forgot to pack him," I said.

I went to the girl’s room to grab Zephaniah, and both daughters followed me there. I picked up the sparkly bear with a smile. I told them his name was Zephaniah. Their facial reactions matched. A look that said, “You are too old to be sleeping with stuffed animals.” However, they also had an investigation in their speculation. A look that asked, “Why would anyone who is thirty-three-years old sleep with a sparkly teddy bear. There must be a rational reason.”

Well, I don’t suppose I have a rational reason, but I have a reason. People need scripture to survive. Some of us find a verse or a chapter that carries us through the hardships of life. Zephaniah 3 is my survival chapter, and that teddy bear is my constant reminder of the goodness of God.

When I first saw the teddy bear, I was rather perplexed. I suppose the Whiteley family thought I didn’t like their Christmas gift. I usually squeal and instantly thank them for all their presents. However, in this instance, I felt a supernatural shock. My reaction was subdued as I attempted to understand the gift. After I tore off the wrapping paper and pulled the bear out of the box, I heard the Spirit whisper, “This is important.” You can imagine my confusion. How could a blue, sparkly bear be “important” for a mature woman? The Star of David on Zephaniah’s foot made me happy because I love anything that hints at the Jewish culture. Yet, God appeared to be saying something more with this gift. About four days after unwrapping the gift, God named the bear Zephaniah. It wasn't my idea. God gave the bear that name, not me.

I know this sounds silly, trust me. My logical brain dismisses the concept of a supernatural toy. Nevertheless, every time I see Zephaniah, God reminds me of my security and position in Christ. That holy comfort is more precious than my logic.

Zephaniah 3 is my personal power scripture. The first eight verses relate to my personal experience with wickedness, sin, disunity, and disappointments. Then the glorious verse nine reads: “For at that time I will change the speech of the people to a pure speech, that all of them may call upon the name of the Lord and serve him with one accord.” 

Since ancient times, God has promised to fulfill my desire for purity and unity. Verses 12 and 13 are my version of paradise. Verses 14 through 20 are God’s promise of hope and restoration for those surrounded by injustice. These last verses reveal the compassionate God. He is full of forgiveness. I find God in Zephaniah 3: His jealousy, His justice, His mercy, His kindness, His affection, His triumph, and His joy.

I will have no need for fear or oppression. I will sing aloud as He sings and dances over me. I will be quieted by His love. If you don't have a teddy bear, find something to remind you of His goodness. It's for your survival.

1 comment:

Sarah Oyerinde said...

I am smiling here, Tamara. Thanks for writing. I'm encouraged to continue to seek after God and know Him better. And, I really enjoyed your narrative. I can just picture you with those two girls and the looks on their faces.