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Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Catching Up

I must apologize for two things. I haven't been my blogging self. I usually write on this thing everyday. Alas I have been busy. My second apology is for this long blog. I have plenty to report.

Sarah, Kunle, Ayo, and Ope- This darling crew came to our Desire More service. Oh it was so resplendent to see them. My days in Evansville were so influential. When I see friends that shared those times with me it always makes me reminiscent. They didn't inform me they were coming, so you can imagine my surprise when I saw a tall, familiar looking mother walking through the double doors. My lips stretched from ear to ear. Unfortunately I also had to work late that night. So I didn't get to really converse with them. But, seeing them was a true treat.

Part time IHOP- I am starting to realize what a commitment it is to establish oneself as a IHOP staff member. When the day gets busy it is tempting to treat my required hours as optional. I must admit my dedication has been challenged. But when I make it to the prayer room I always meet God in such powerful ways. I am glad I decided to make this a integral part of my life. God is the desire of the nations and the only true pursuit worth giving your heart, soul, mind, and strength.

Expelled- I watched the documentary called Expelled last night with Hillside. I suggest everyone watch it. Basically it is a documentary on how the scientific community is trying to limit freedom by silencing the research and discussion of intelligent design. I was especially moved by this piece for two reasons. One I too have felt the blow of suppression. At the University of Evansville my writing was heavily criticized for having a spiritual slant. One professor even said my writing wouldn't be as publishable because of the religious bias. Another professor suggested I try a different angle and not pursue spiritual papers. I was heavily fought at every angle. Any religious paper I wrote never received higher than a C. Of course if I wrote about other topics I would get a B or higher. I also felt moved by this piece because I see the correlation to Hitler. The extinguishing of the Jews was a slow process of suppression, false ideas, and propaganda. It is very similar to the the suppression that we now see in our school systems. Jenny Hayes, if you are reading I think you would like this film. You being a Christian and a Biology teacher. I would love to hear you insights. Here is the website.

Finding My Joy- I have been praying for joy for about a year now. I am starting to see the effects. The spring weather most assuredly helps. Winter always brings me down. But, at this present time most of my days are productive and full of life. Some of this joy must be correlated to Hannah Beane. God knew I needed a good friend with a optimistic outlook on life. She is a gift from God.

Another God Dream- I am astounded but I had another long, download of God in my dream last night. Some of the themes were similar to the earlier one. But there was new stuff relating to spiritual warfare. Part of it was encouraging my heart for the Jewish race. Another reminded me of a dream God placed in my heart about becoming a writer. Mostly it just reaffirmed that God is all powerful, all together desirable, and worth every bit of pain on this earth. Honestly not till recently have I had such long dreams. I have always been a heavy dreamer. God often speaks to me in this form. But, I don't normally dream for long periods of time. This dream felt like it lasted 15 minutes. I really am starting to believe that God's return is soon. These dreams are so vivid and extreme. He is trying to prepare His bride. I am starting to study the end times again. I just have a feeling that I may be caught unawares. The culture is seeping into the faith. Other faiths are becoming more outspoken and vulgar toward Christians. I think we need to face the facts. The world will hate us.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


That looks like an interesting documentary. Thanks for making us aware of it through your blog.

I actually wrote a paper in one of my critical theory English classes, an environmental criticism class, where I explored one of the old proponents of intelligent design, William Paley. In my paper I actually argued against Paley's introduction to his book "Natural Theology; or, Evidences of the Existence and Attributes of the Deity". And I then argued that God is actually an environmentalist, and that Jesus Christ did/does miracles in order to physically manifest God into an unbelieving, scientific world. I also showed how Christianity could help to solve many environmental problems, if only people would submit themselves to God and be subject to the fruits of the Holy Spirit, for example, self-control and faith, in order to solve over-population problems. Not that I believe that the world will ever be over populated, especially in this age of abortion and birth control, but instead of using those obviously murderous methods, to instead depend on God. Anyhow... I'm not sure what I got on the paper, but it couldn't have been all that bad since I got a B+ in the class overall. But, like you, I've gotten grades on projects that were less than what they should have been, because I included some kind of spiritual element in it.