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Sunday, January 12, 2014

Hard Work

For you are all sons of God through faith in Christ Jesus. For all of you who were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ. There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free man, there is neither male nor female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus.

I hear this doozie ALOT in American culture. Usually, it is used to refute someone's confession of guilt.

Person 1: I can't preach the gospel, I am a woman.
Person 2: (Quotes the above verse, as an attempt to change the female's confession.) Yes, you can. It doesn't matter that you are a female.

There are instances, when this scripture applies. However, it is not universally true. Not all woman can be pastors because it is not their calling. (The verse applies to everyone in regards to faith.) There are women who make great pastors, but it might not be directly related to this verse. They aren't great pastors because "they are neither male or female". The are great pastors because they studied hard, reared the younger generation, and earned the position.
Our American culture will preach this verse into the ground because we are a melting pot of beliefs. We don't like racism, bigotry, and restraint. I hope we make sure not to misapply the above verse, just because we want our freedom and a better position.
Pastors know this. They don't cling to one verse and jump up and down, expecting great things. They do the work to make it happen. Female pastors especially understand this because they usually have to work harder to prove themselves. (Or at least, the women I know.)
The women who chose not to preach the gospel, because of their gender, should not be berated by the above verse.

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