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Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Became sin

"He made Him who knew no sin to be sin on our behalf, so that we might become the righteousness of God in Him." 2 Corinthians 5:12

This scripture is a powerhouse in the faith. It is often quoted before a salvation invitation. "Your sins can be forgiven because God became sin on your behalf." Those who grew up in a church were introduced to this concept of "atonement" early in life. It is a foundational verse. For the practiced Christian, it isn't a foreign concept that Jesus bore our sins on the cross.
Nevertheless, in my own studies, I found some interesting correlations. This scripture doesn't use the plural form of hamartia. It uses the singular. Jesus became SIN, not SINS. As I considered this, I wondered why Jesus didn't become various sins. After all, don't we need to be forgiven of all sins. Why does this scripture only use the singular form.
As I considered this further, I realized what sin Jesus became. He became abortion. Think about it. Jesus lives an innocent life, dies, and resurrects. God uses one of the worst sins to redeem humanity. The worst sin on earth is aborting a child. Christ fulfills the law by rescuing anyone who is a child of God. He overcomes death.
Abortion is the great sin. Jesus displayed it before us. God killing His own Son is unthinkable. Jesus bore the shame of the cross for us, His children. God fulfills His promise by asking us to be BORN AGAIN. Into a new life with Him. Two images of life and death in the womb.
Will you choose life today. If you watched the movie "The Passion", you will be disgusted. You will be disgusted by an abortion procedure as well. Both are dangerous to watch.
God will redeem you. He will rescue from the death sentence. He wants children, even those that society deems disposable.

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