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Friday, September 21, 2012


I often believe the lies of the world. For the past few months, I have felt ugly, worthless, weak, undesirable, and simply a burden to others. 

I entered into a conversation with a mentor last night. She spoke truth into my life, and it was hard to receive. She told me about my beauty and my potential. I attempted to receive her words, but they required great faith on my part. These compliments were hard to receive because I can’t see them in the natural.

The enemy is killing, stealing, and destroying. I have loss in my life, and my strength is waning. However, whenever I enter the secret place, or hide away to pray, or simply listen to His still small voice, I remember God’s faithfulness and loving-kindness. The world attempts to pollute my soul; however the Spirit is jealous for my soul's deliverance.

When I focus on Christ, it isn't difficult to feel loved, wanted, and rescued. If you find yourself in the pit, remember God will rescue you. You are already redeemed.Turn to Him. He will nurture you.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hi,Words arent coming easy to me at present.But I was moved near to tears reading your thoughts.We can't always see ourselves as perfect or believe others when they see beyond our imperfections.Thank God others see what we can't.Well,we are our own worst critics .Thank you for your honesty